Aumenta el Éxito de tu Canal de YouTube con ContextMinds

contextminds para youtubers

¡Descubre ContextMinds: el software imprescindible para impulsar tu contenido SEO-friendly y potenciar tu canal de YouTube como nunca antes! Si eres un apasionado de crear contenido en esta popular plataforma y deseas aumentar tu visibilidad, atraer más suscriptores y obtener un mejor posicionamiento en los motores de búsqueda, estás a punto de descubrir una herramienta … Leer más

Top 5 best screencast softwares


What is the screencast software for? The screencast or screen recording allows you to edit a video with the recording of what happens on your computer screen. It is a very good tool to make a video tutorial on a web application, because it shows the public exactly the steps they must do, and also … Leer más

Audio edition for youtubers

edición musical

  Video editors often fall short for audio editing, and we need to use a specific program for audio editing; the audio editor for youtubers. Whether our project consists of a video or a podcast, sound is a fundamental part of our creation and we must know how to treat it so that it is … Leer más

Which video editor to choose?

editor de video

  The video editing software is a key tool to complete our audiovisual works. The post-production process, in which the recorded or imported material is put together and edited, is absolutely necessary to build our message in an understandable and entertaining way for the public.   The video editor functions Basically, what a video editor … Leer más